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E-TEL, E for Electronic century, TEL for Telecommunication, we focus on Electronic century Telecommunication device.



Core Values

Our core values are deeply rooted in every aspect of our business. They are the internal driving force for the Company and are our commitments to the ecosystem. These values enable us to provide effective services to our customers and to achieve our vision of "Connection Network".

Customers First: E-Tel exists to serve customers, whose demand is the driving force behind our development. We continuously create long-term value for customers by being responsive to their needs and requirements. We measure our work against how much value we bring to customers, because we can only succeed through our customers success.

Dedication: We win customers’ respect and trust primarily through dedication. It includes every effort we make to create value for customers and to improve our capabilities. We value employee’s contributions and reward them accordingly.

Continuous Improvement: Continuous improvement is required for us to become better partners for our customers, improve our company and grow as individuals. This process requires that we actively listen and learn in order to improve.

Openness & Initiative: Driven by customer needs, we passionately pursue customer centric innovations in an open manner. We believe that business success is the ultimate measure of the value of any technology, product, and solution or process improvement.

Integrity: Integrity is our most valuable asset. It drives us to behave honestly and keep our promises, and, thus, win our customers’ trust and respect.

Teamwork: We can only succeed through teamwork. By working closely in both good times and bad, we lay the foundation for successful cross-cultural collaboration, streamlined inter-departmental cooperation and efficient processes.